Keepin’ an eye on ICE

The Migra Watch Network ( provides resources to communities in the form of educational presentations regarding, “basic rights and immigration issues;” research regarding detainees, human rights, immigration laws; ICE monitoring; as well as, raid response.Their website provides maps showing the locations of various immigration detention centers throughout the country and maps out places where recent raids have occurred. On their website can also be found various educational tools regarding immigration and detention in the United States.

Perhaps most interestingly they provide a hotline: #831-331-1119, that can be used to report ICE raids and the presence of ICE in people’s communities. According to their website, MigraWatch is based on a CopWatch ( type model. Volunteers walk around their communities monitoring and recording ICE activity. They concentrate most of their attention to areas where there is a known and rampant ICE presence and encourage people to volunteer. They are looking specifically for those who are bi-lingual and are available, by phone, for 72 hours at a time.

If you would like to receive text messages from MigraWatch when a raid occurs, you can subscribe by sending a text to : You can also be put onto their list serve by clicking this link —>

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